Real Estate Property Tax Search & Online Payments

The PDF of the current tax statement (2024 payable in 2025) is available for download!

Redemption amounts for accounts in a Tax Lien Status are currently unavailable online. Please call us directly at (719) 520-7900 if you need a redemption payoff amount.

The Office of the Treasurer is responsible for the collection and distribution of property taxes in compliance with Colorado Statutes.

The Treasurer serves as the banker and investment officer for all County funds. Interest earnings provide an additional source of revenue for the County and its various agencies.

Treasurer Chuck Broerman


Chuck Broerman


(719) 520-7900 Telephone

(719) 520-7549 Fax

Please complete this form if you would like to enroll for electronic statement delivery for future tax years.


Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Office Closed Legal Holidays


Citizens Service Center

1675 West Garden of the Gods Road, Suite 2100

Colorado Springs, CO 80907

Payment Mailing Address:

P.O. Box 2018

Colorado Springs, CO 80901-2018

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